Friday, December 10, 2010

"Butterfly Gardening for Beginners" on Central Florida Gardening

Remember this posting? Here it is!

If the video above doesn't work for some reason, you can watch it here online. It will also be shown locally all this month on "Central Florida Gardening" which airs on Orange TV (Brighthouse Channel 199, Comcast Channel 9, or AT&T U-Verse Channel 99) or Vision TV (Brighthouse Channel 198, Comcast Channel 98, or AT&T U-Verse Channel 99). You can check Orange TV's schedule here and Vision TV's schedule here.

It is a little nerve wracking watching yourself on tv, especially when they only wanted to do one "take." But I hope you learned a little bit more about butterfly gardening and are inspired to plant your own butterfly garden!

1 comment:

  1. Butterfly is perfect for garden Thanks for your video, i really enjoyed it

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