Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Coffee Anyone?

I bet you are thinking "What does coffee have to do with butterflies?" Well, one of the goals for this blog is to share general gardening tips as well as information about butterfly gardening with you. This posting was inspired by a recent visit to my local Starbucks where I came across this cute display:

So there's another reason to stop at Starbucks besides a coffee fix!

Inside the pot was a 5 pound bag of spent coffee grounds free to take home to your garden. Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, a nutrient essential for plant growth. You can side dress your plants with coffee grounds, add it to your compost pile, or feed it to your worms if you are vermicomposting. Wow! 

Find your local Starbucks here.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea to offer coffee grounds - otherwise destined for landfills - to be put to beneficial use by customers. Good for Starbucks!



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